Geo System Research Group (GSR), founded in 2005, focuses on developing innovative and efficient solutions in the field of geotechnical engineering through state-of-the-art computational modeling, laboratory, and field testing. Our primary interests are 1) soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 2) soil-structure interaction, 3) energy geotechnology, and 4) soil characterization via waves. We are currently actively participating in various government and industry funded projects including, but not limited to, development of new site response algorithms, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and generation of synthetic ground motions, seismic design of geotechnical structures, soil-fluid-structure dynamic interaction modeling, simulation of geothermal heat pump systems and thermosyphons, elastic and electrical resistivity wave based soil characterization, and multi-scale modeling of soils. We are also involved in various real engineering projects.
We try to expose our members to the state-of-the-art research and practice oriented projects, maintain a closely mentored system, and provide a cooperative but challenging environment for learning. Our goal is to equip all members with a strong foundation in fundamental theories, research capabilities with an expertise in numerical modeling, practice-oriented knowledge, and efficient communication skills.
We welcome prospective students and postdoctoral researchers with innovative ideas and hard working ethics. International researchers and students are also welcomed. For more information about the research group and potential financial support, please contact us.

Our research group is primarily focused on the use of advanced computational methods to solve challenging engineering problems with an emphasis in geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil-structure-interaction (SSI) simulation. We are interested in research topics that are rooted on the practical needs of the society and the industry. Therefore, we always try to provide engineering solutions to directly enhance the sustainability of the society and to develop efficient but accurate numerical means or design guidelines for the industry.
Our research topics can be categorized into three themes, which are 1) geotechnical earthquake engineering, 2) soil-structure-interaction (SSI), and 3) soil characterization. The details of each research theme and associated research projects are given in detail in the following section. The topics of our research projects are very diverse and many are not directly correlated. However, we would like to emphasize that they are not short or disconnected projects. On the contrary, many projects have been performed for extended periods of time, often funded through a series of science foundation, government institutions, and industry projects. Although we are using advanced numerical tools in many projects, it is our ultimate goal to apply the outcomes of the research to practice. Therefore, we strive to trickle down the findings into empirical predictive equations or charts, simplified computer programs, or specific guidelines. We also try to integrate fragmented element level research components to perform system level simulations and provide prediction of system or societal fragility using collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts.
Main funding agencies include the following:
National Research Foundation of Korea
Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy
Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Korean Water Corporation
Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology
Korean Electrical Power Corporation
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation